Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Blind You With My Love

I put this gift together for my best friend Jenn. I wanted to mail her some sunshine to brighten her day so I filled a box with fun yellow gifts!

JT saw what I was putting together and decided to literally blind her- with bright flashing lights! He made this for her (built the whole device) to add to the box! Yeah... he's awesome! I love that it's personalized :)

I was so excited to get this in the mail and wait for her reaction! 
Love you Jenn! Miss you!
xo Lizzie


  1. Ahh!! I can't begin to tell you how much I loved getting this today! You're so sweet and I'm so lucky to have you and JT in my life! xoxo (I devoured the the gummies). Love you, love me.

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  4. Excellent ideas! The personalized presents are very original and kind. I will definitely bookmark this for the birthday of my best buddy!
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