Monday, September 24, 2012

Kate Spade & Paperless Post

Introducing Kate Spade for Paperless Post 

Nothing beats finding a real paper invitation in your mailbox (rather than the usual bills and junk mail). But these days we are all so busy that we often do not plan a party until the week of and then there is no time mail an invitation out so we resort to email. Evite has been the only decent option for online invitations, until now.

Paperless Post is amazing! While it does not offer the same quantity of design options as Evite... the quality is much better than Evite! And now they offer designs by Kate Spade!

A few of the Kate Spade designs.

You can chose your font, your ink color, envelope color, even envelope liner. The Paperless Post virtual invitations even look textured, which I love! The look and feel is much more like receiving a real paper invitation.

These designs are not by Kate Spade... but still really cute for a Halloween party!

They have so many options for different events! Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Bridal showers, and Baby Showers. Just recently my bridesmaids started asking me about my bachelorette party so I checked out the bachelorette invitations options and I love them! I built one to try it out, and it was really fun. You can even send it to yourself to preview what your guests will see when they open it. 

I am glad Kate Spade partnered with Paperless Post, or I wouldn't have found their awesome online stationary! I have to come up with an excuse to party now to use these fun invites!
xo Lizzie

Saturday, September 22, 2012

1st Fall Weekend

Fall has arrived! And so has my craving for apple pie. But I didn't want a whole pie in our house because I would eat the whole thing in one sitting! So I whipped up 2 single servings of my favorite part of apple pie... the apples and the crumb topping.

It was really really good! I will have to get more apples at the farmers market this weekend!
xo Lizzie

Officially A Jersey Girl: my first Bruce Springsteen concert

Yesterday was the last day of summer 2012 and I attended my first Bruce Springsteen concert, ever. What better place to see my first Springsteen concert than New Jersey (in the pit!)?

I love Bruce, he's a rock icon, but I felt like some sort of fraud at last night's concert. It was evident to me that I was surrounded by thousands of Bruce fans who had been to at least 5 Bruce shows this year if not every Bruce show. His fans knew every lyric, every inside joke, they acted out his fist pump moves before he did. At one point he asked the crowd if there was anyone who had never seen the E Street Band before.... and I screamed my face off... pretty sure I was the only one. And he said "ok well we are going to make sure you have a great time tonight". Nothing like letting everyone know you aren't part of their club!

He couldn't be more deserving of these super fans... Bruce Springsteen is the hardest working concert performer I have ever seen. He gave the crowd every ounce of energy he had, neck veins throbbed as he belted out the lyrics of his classic songs and the sweat was flooding down him. I am not exaggerating the sweat- within 10 minutes of the concert Springsteen was soaked head to toe and the sweat was not dripping, it was pouring off of him. A few times during the concert I found myself wanting him to take a break because I was worried about him. I wanted to tell him to towel off, change into some dry clothes and take a breather. I felt guilty for just standing there while he ran circles around MetLife Stadium putting on such an amazing show!

Below is a video that I thought was pretty cool. It's an animated heat map of Bruce Springsteen's touring locations from 1973 to 2012 created by The Timoney Group.

Thank you to my fiancé for taking me to see this awesome show for my birthday. And thank you to Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band for putting on such an amazing show!
xo Lizzie

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mommy's Cocktail Hour; Whoa. I've been podcasted!

Mommy's Cocktail Hour was sipping on my Magically Delicious Martini for one of their podcasts and gave me a little shout out (right at the beginning of the podcast)!

Click here for a link to the podcast! (please note that these mommys do occasionally use strong language so be advised)

Read the original post for this cocktail here.

The ladies at Mommy's Cocktail Hour couldn't get the marshmallows to stick to the glass on the show and I realize now that I didn't share how I did it in my original post. I used agave syrup very sparingly to get them to stick to the glass. If you use too much they won't stick, they will drip down the glass.

The Magically Delicious Martini that I made back in March has become very popular thanks to the pinners on Pinterest! I am not sure if I can ever recreate the magic of this cocktail. It seemed to have hit a nostalgic nerve meshing Lucky Charms super sugary kid cereal with an adult beverage.

Janice was the first of the many many many pinners to pin my Magically Delicious Martini!

xo Lizzie

Twitter Challenged

Jt, my fiancé is a computer genius. And because of that, sometimes I get over confident about my own technical skills. It's like I think that just knowing him gives me computer super powers... it totally doesn't.

I thought I had this whole social media thing figured out and then someone said hey did you get my message in Twitter... because you never responded?... I thought they were talking about @mentions, which I keep up with. They were not. Apparently you can send private messages to people in Twitter and I never knew this. So I go to my Twitter inbox and open it and immediately I felt like a giant jerkface! I could not believe how many messages I had! Some were from alcohol companies wishing me happy birthday(this might be a sign that I have a problem), another was from a bridal magazine requesting me to be a guest blogger. I had emails from readers, bloggers and fellow crafters. I had discovered a new world of wonderfulness but everything was so old it made me a little sad. So many missed compliments and missed opportunities! 

So if you sent me a message in Twitter and I did not respond to you... I am not a snob. I am just Twitter challenged! I will be playing catch up today and tomorrow with it.

xo Lizzie

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Wedding Party Blog; hey those are my hangers!

A lovely bride just purchased hangers for her bridal party and when she checked out she said she was so glad she saw my hangers on the Wedding Party Blog. I had never heard of this blog before but now I am obsessed! They have so many great ideas on their blog! Just what I needed MORE ideas. I am not going to have room for my guests at my wedding with all of the stuff I have made or bought!

Anyways,I had no idea my hangers were hanging out over at the Wedding Party Blog! It's an article about ways to ask your ladies to be in your wedding. You know, "Popping the Question" to your bridesmaids and I love all of the ideas! Maybe you can use one of their ideas to ask your bridal party... or maybe it will inspire your own awesome idea to ask in your own way. 

Please share how you asked, I would love to hear about it! Message me or comment below!

xo Lizzie

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

1 Year Ago Today

1 year ago today... JT proposed to me in Paris! I still get goose bumps thinking about his proposal. It was pretty incredible. Photos from my dreamy day...

Our big day will be here before we know it! Time is flying by!
xo Lizzie 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Skinny Scout Cookie Smoothie

Let me start this by telling you that I have an appointment to try on bridal gowns at an NYC boutique in 3 weeks...

And I have a serious craving for Thin Mint cookies tonight... 

I am trying to eat healthy and lose some weight before our big day (like every bride). I have been doing good, I have lost 35 pounds. Still not close to where I would like to be, but I am getting there.

When we leave the super market and see girl scouts selling cookies, I do not think "aww look at the cute little girls I should buy a box."... NO. I think "don't make eye contact with those cookie pushers... look away. look away!". 

So to kick this craving tonight I decided to make a healthy, filling smoothie with all of the flavors of a Thin Mint Cookie.

frozen spinach, greek yogurt, almond milk, chocolate protein powder, cocoa powder, peppermint extract, chocolate (to shave on the top as garnish), sugar or sweetener

Fresh Mint for garnish

Yes... I said spinach. Hope I didn't lose you! Trust me it's good. My mama has always said that the only green thing I eat is Jell-O. Yeah, I'm not a fan of veggies. I have to sneak them into my diet.

I don't really measure when I make smoothies, I just add things a little at a time until I reach the taste and consistency that I like. 

My Rough Estimate:

2 cups of Frozen Spinach
1 cup Greek Yogurt
1/2 cup Almond Milk
1/2 cup ice
1/8 teaspoon Peppermint Extract*
1 scoop Chocolate Protein Powder
1 teaspoon Cocoa Powder
Sugar to taste (I used Truvia)

Blended in blender. Serve in a glass and garnish with chocolate shavings and a sprig of mint leafs.

*I added more of the peppermint extract but it is a very very strong flavor. You can easily add too much so just add a tiny bit at a time.

Well that kicked that craving! Can't wait to go wedding dress shopping!
xo Lizzie

Puppy Says Good Morning

Good Morning! I woke up to find puppy in our bed. She is not not allowed in our bed- she has her own! Not only was she in the bed but she also brought her filthy toys to make sure she could enjoy our bed to the fullest. Love her!

Who could yell at that face?!

Enjoy the weekend!
xo Lizzie

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Summer has been super jam packed with events, wedding tasks and work. Things have slowed down considerably for me now that the weather is cooling off. Perfect time for me to catch up on things I have put off. 

First up... (a long over due)HELLO  to the new people that have found my tiny little blog! I know many many people are finding me because of the Wedding Chicks post, so I wanted to say welcome and thanks for checking me out!

I woke up one morning, signed on to Facebook, and there was my groomsman mustache gift posted by Wedding Chicks. I was jumping up and down!I love the Wedding Chicks blog (I am quite obsessed with it) so seeing something that I made on their website... AWESOME SAUCE!

So... Welcome to all of those who have wandered over here because of the lovely Wedding Chicks!

My name is Elizabeth but my friends call me Lizzie. I am a creative workaholic and therefore always making or doing something. 

I am engaged (he put a ring on it in PARIS!) and trying to do as much DIY for my wedding as possible. I am waiting until after my wedding to share all of my projects and details of my wedding. Because of this my blog has gone a little silent. I am doing a lot but can't share any of it until after June 2013. But trust me, there will be many many details to share!

So until then I will be sharing my usual interests and pastimes. Day trips exploring NYC/NJ, adorable photos of my puppy, nail polish and baking. Oh! and I have a thing for fun cocktails... who doesn't?! 

Why is my blog named doo-dah!...

It's because of this little Mickey Mouse radio toy... 

I used to carry it with me everywhere when I was baby. It has a music box inside of it and it plays the song Camptown Races. So my grandfather nicknamed me doo-dah because of the lyrics of the song.

Thank you for coming over to read my blog! And thank you to the Wedding Chicks for sharing my groomsman gift with everyone! 
xo Lizzie

ps- I am on FACEBOOK, PINTREST, TWITTER, and ETSY. Friend me, pin me and follow me!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Exploring Brooklyn

Spent the day exploring Brooklyn. So much to do and see!

Beautiful view from Brooklyn.

Jane's Carousel

A hazy view of the Statue of Liberty from Brooklyn Bridge Park.

Volleyball with a view.

Grabbing a hot dog before catching a free ferry to Governor's Island.

Headed back home to New Jersey as the sun was starting to set.

We had an great day in Brooklyn and even got to catch up with some close friends of ours.
We did a lot of walking and I am exhausted... but the good kind of exhausted. Goodnight! 
xo Lizzie