Thursday, September 20, 2012

Twitter Challenged

Jt, my fiancé is a computer genius. And because of that, sometimes I get over confident about my own technical skills. It's like I think that just knowing him gives me computer super powers... it totally doesn't.

I thought I had this whole social media thing figured out and then someone said hey did you get my message in Twitter... because you never responded?... I thought they were talking about @mentions, which I keep up with. They were not. Apparently you can send private messages to people in Twitter and I never knew this. So I go to my Twitter inbox and open it and immediately I felt like a giant jerkface! I could not believe how many messages I had! Some were from alcohol companies wishing me happy birthday(this might be a sign that I have a problem), another was from a bridal magazine requesting me to be a guest blogger. I had emails from readers, bloggers and fellow crafters. I had discovered a new world of wonderfulness but everything was so old it made me a little sad. So many missed compliments and missed opportunities! 

So if you sent me a message in Twitter and I did not respond to you... I am not a snob. I am just Twitter challenged! I will be playing catch up today and tomorrow with it.

xo Lizzie

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